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7月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Stories of Magic Ponies

"Hoorang!" neighed Puck and Bluebell together. "What a relief," added Bluebell. "Now Shadow need never know..." "Oh really ?" said the frog. Bluebell and Puck looked at each other, then at the frog. BANG went the frog and, in a flash, there stood Shadow. "It was you all along?" gasped Bluebell. "It was," said Shadow. "I had a feeling you wouldn't leave that frog alone." I like the book's picture very much. And also I feel magic is very nice. I want to have magic. Vocabulary snort:鼻息を荒立てる outfit:衣装一式 petal:花びら glue:接着剤 flutter:羽ばたきする Davidson, S. (2007). Stories of Magic Ponies . Usborne Young Reading.

The Golden Goose

But when she saw the innkeeper... his wife... and the three sister... all running behind Billy and his goose... ...she started to smile. Then she burst out laughing. "At last!" cried the king. "Young man, would you like to marry my daughter?" "Yes please!" said Billy. The little old man appeared at the wedding. He waved his hands... ...and everyone came un-stuck. I enjoy reading this book very much. This book is very easy to read, and cute! I want to buy this book. Vocabulary pop:弾ける snap:パチンと鳴らす vanish:消える howl:遠吠えする Mason, C. (2008). The Golden Goose . Usborne First Reading.

Hansel & Gretel

Their stepmother looked even more grumpy than usual. "What do you expect ?" she snapped. "With so little money, all we can afford is bread." The children's father sighed. "It's not my fault no one buys wood anymore," he said. "What with electric fires and plasic furniture." I love this story since I was child. I think that Hansel and Gretel are very wise. And also I like this book's picture very much. Vcabulary starve:飢える granpy:不機嫌な crumb:パンの欠片 tummy:お腹 nag:小言を言う Grimm, B. (2005). Hansel & Gretel . Usborne Publishing.

The Little Mermaid

There, at the very bottom of the sea, the water was as clear as glass. The sand was as fine as powder. Tall seaweed grew up around the castel walls and small, bright fish darted among its branches. The Sea King was very proud of his castle. It was the perfect place to bring up his six mermaid daughter. I think this book's picture is very beautiful. So, I can enjoyed reading this book very much. I want to meet Mermaid. Vocabulary seaweed:海藻 inky:真っ暗な silky:柔らかな flick:軽くはじくこと sigh:ため息をつく froth:泡 Andersen, C. (2009). The Little Mermaid.   Usborne Publishing.


Moments later, the ghosts met in the Hall of Mirrors. "What a mess we all look," wailed Sir Sidney. "Oh, the shame," sniffed Miss Lacey, clutching her bald head. "No one must see us like this." Suddenl, the TV crew burst in. "Ghosts!" yelled Claude. "Oh yes!" cried Sue. "Oh no!" screamed the ghosts, and they ran off into the night. I don't want to meet ghosts at first. However, I want to meet some ghosts after reading this book. I enjoyed reading this book. Vocabulary murky:どろどろの moat:堀で囲まれた hillside:丘の斜面 echo:こだま、反響 Punter, R. (2009). STORIES of HAUNTED HOUSES . Usborne Young Reading

The Runaway PANCAKE

"I'm sorry," said the pig. "I can't hear you. You'll have to come closer." The pancake jumped over the fence and into the pen. "I SAID, THE FOX, THE GOAT," the pancake began. But before he could shout any more, the pig snapped him up and swallowed him... ... in one gulp. I think the pig is very wise. Because, he frame the pancake. I fell Its trick is very funny. Vocabulary kennel:犬小屋 stream:小川 bush:低木 gulp:ぐっと飲み込む Mackinnon, M. (2009). The RUNAWAY PANCAKE . Usborne First Reading.

The Reluctant Dragon

"Jolly night it's been," he murmured and began to snore. "How wiil I get him home?" said the boy. "I'll help," said George. He gave the dragon a prod. And they set off up the hill arm-in-arm the saint, the dragon and the boy. I think the boy is very brave because he went to dragon's home and met. I want to become a friend with a dragon like him. Vocabulary claw:かぎ爪 scale:規模、目盛り invite:招く snore:いびきをかく Grahame, K. (2009). The Reluctant Dragon . Usborne First Reading.

The Magic Pear Tree

Now, no one was watching the beggar. He chopped down and strolled away. Suddenly, Shen looked around. All his pear had gone! And their wooden box was chopped to pieces. "It was a trick," he yelled. "Those pears the beggar picked - they were mine!" "The beggar turned my box into a tree by magic." I feel the beggar's magic is very nice. And also I feel the kind woman is very nice person. I think I should behave kind anyone. Vocabulary beggar:こじき、貧乏人 stroll:ぶらつく、散歩する Dickins, R. (2009). The Magic Pear Tree . Usborne First Reading.

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

"Do you really want to leave all this fine food?" asked the city mouse. "The city is nice, but corn and safety are better than cherry pie and danger," said the country mouse. The two mice hugged good-bye. Then the country mouse jumped on a train and went back to the country. "No matter where I roam, there is no place like home," fe said. I like country side more than city too. I think country and city have both good poind and bad point. However, I like country because country's people is very nice and be able to become composed. Vocabulary nibble:少しずつかじる tag:鬼ごっこ winkle:~を無理やり引き出す Findley, V. (2006). The City Mouse and the Country Mose . New York, NY:Scholastic.

The Tortoise and the Hare

But it was no use. The tortoise crossed the finish line first. "The tortoise won! The tortoise won!" all the animals cheered. "How did you ever the hare?" asked the horse. The tortoisegrinned, "The hare may be fast, but slow and steady wins the race." I feel effort is the most important things. The tortoise can make an effort. So, he can win! Vocabulary grin:にやりと笑う steady:変わらない Findley, V. (2006). The Tortoise and the Hare . New York, NY:Scholastic.

Martina the Cockroach

Martina and the mouse got married the next day. All of their friends came to the wedding. The mouse's friends sang to the couple. Martina and the mouse lived happily ever after. And his soft sound was always music to her ears. I can understand Martina's feeling. I like boy's voice too. I envy her. Vocabulary whistle:口笛を吹く rooster:雄鶏 Einhorn, K. (2006). Martina the Cockroach . New York, NY:Scholastic.

The Spider and the Beehive

The spider yelled and yelled. But nobody could hear his cries. He was too far from the village. For an entire week, the spider sat in that hive. Then, finally, he squeezed out. And from that day on, the spider always shared his fruit with his friends. I think this boy is very wise, because he teach corect manner to the spider. I want to be a person like him. And also I think the spider reflect on, so he is also good. Vocabulary squeeze:強く押す、絞り出す belly:おなか rub:こする Einhorn, K. (2006). The Spider and the Beehive . New York, NY: Scholastic.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Onece upon a time, a family of three bears decided to go for a walk. They shut the door of their tidy house and off they went. By and by, a girl named Goldilocks saw their house. "What a nice home!" she cried. Then she opened the door and went inside. I think the girl too rude. But I can understand her feeling to want to eat appetizing food. However I think her action is bad. Vocabulary slurp: 音を立てて飲食すること crack: ひびが入る、折れる Findley, V. (2006). Goldilocks and the Three Bears . New York, NY:Scholastic.

Stone Soup

The soup cooked and cooked. Finally, it was ready. Everyone ate a big bowl. "This is delicious!" they all said. The soup made them so happy that they danced and sang all night long. From then on, the people in the village shared. And their very favorite thing to share was stone soup! I think the visitor is very wise. His idea is very grate, and he can change people in the village's thinking. I want to be a person who can change people's thinking good. Vocabulary except: ~を除いて village: 村 Einhorn, K. (2006). Stone soup . New York, NY:Scholastic.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

They put the new clothes on the table and hid. When the clock struck midnight, in came the two elves. The elves were surprised to see the fine clothes instead of the leather. Zippity, zip! They put on the shirts, pants, and shoes. Then they danced a joyful jig and left. The shoemaker and his wife never saw the two elves again. But thanks to their good deeds, all four of them lived happily ever after. I feel quite relieved after this story. The shoemaker and his wife is very nice and kind person, and also two elves are nice and kind. I want to be a person like them. Vocabulary jig:アイルランドの踊り outfit: 衣装一式 Findley, V. (2006). The Elves and the Shoemaker . New York, NY:Scholastic.

The Gingerbread Man

Once upon a time, an old woman baked a gingerbread man. She put it on a plate to cool. But the naughty cookie jumped off the plate and dashed out the door. "Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm the Gingerbread Man!" he sang. The cookie was right. Try as she might, the old woman was just too slow. I think the fox is very wise, because he made trap. Gingerbread is good at running, but he can't notice the trap. Vocabulary naughty: いたずらな、わんぱくな munch:むしゃむしゃ食べる Findley, V. (2006). The Gingerbread Man . New York, NY:Scholastic.

The Little Red Hen

Before long, all the bread was baked. "Who will help me eat this?" asked the little red hen. "Me!" said the dog. "Me!" said the cat. "Me!" said the duck. "No! Because you did not help, I will Just have to eat this bread by myself," said the little red hen. And so she did, with jam on top! I think that helping someone is very important things. The little red hen is very wise. I think I should help all people if I can do. Vocabulary hen: 雌鶏 lazy: 怠惰な Findley, V. (2006). The Little Red Hen . New York, NY:Scholastic.

The Nightingale

"Dear nightingale, you made me well. Come back! I will throw away the toy bird. Then you can live in the cage all by yourself," said the king. "No, keep the toy bird," said the nightingale. "I like the forest, but I will come to your window every night to sing." So he did. And his sweet music brought joy to everyone in the palace forever more. I was very moved this story. I think the nightingale have very nice heart because he threw away once, but he fly to the king to sing and heal. I want to listen to the nightingale's song. Vocabulary nightingale: ナイチンゲール(鳥) servant: 召使、使用人 Findley, V. (2006). The Nightingale . New york, NY:Scholastic. 

The Three Little Pigs

When the wolf came down the chimney, he landed right in the pot. "OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!" he yelled. Then, quick as a wink, he dashed out the door and ran far, far away. After that, the three little pigs lived safe and sound in their cozy house of bricks. And the big bad wolf never bothered them again. I like this story because three little pigs cooperate each other. And they got peaceful life. I enjoyed reading this book very much. Vocabulary straw: 麦わら huff: ハーハーと呼吸する Findley, V. (2006). The Three Little Pigs . New York, NY: Scholastic

The Ugly Duckling

T hat made the ugly duckling curious. He looked into the shiny water. Wow! He had grown into a beautiful swan, just like them! From that day on, the once ugly duckling lived happily ever after. And he was always kind to all living things, from peacocks to potato dugs. I think the ugly duckling is very nice becasuse he was always kind to all living things. And also he have very strong heart. I want to be a person like him. Vocabulary ・ ugly: 醜い、不快な Findley, V. (2006) The Ugly Duckling . New York, NY: Scholastic.

Watching baseball

I went to Fukuoka on Friday and Saturday, and I watched basaball game and went shopping!! I watched Fukuoka Soft Bank HAWKS's game. I like soccer more than soccer at first, but, I become to like baseball after watching baseball. And also I enjoy shopping very much. I bought Kinchaku. I want to go to Fukuoka again!!

Val's Diary

Dear Diary What's going on? Mum and Dad disappeared again at about 6 o'clock. They returned almost at once and Mum started to pack immediately. Dad said "It's time to leave kids. We're going back to our flat in the city." "Why?"  I asked. "Your mother and I have a million things to do now that we're going to move house, In one month we're going to come here to settle down forever." "I'm not!" I shouted. "Not what? Returning to our flat in the city or coming back here to Greenhill?" I don't know what to say now. I feel confused!! I don't want to go back to the city just yet. What about Luke? I enjoyed reading it very muvh! I felt that I will be able to enjoy summer vacation. < Vocabulary> drown: 溺れ死ぬ、溺死 Flagan. M. (2009). Val's Diary . Teen ELi Readers

How's it going

Hi, everyone, how are things? I joined Sanoyoi Festival which is yosakoi festival. It was very hot!!!!! However, I enjoyed dancing very much! I weared clothing for the first time. And I was able to watch other team's dance. They are very nice, so I wanted to dance more good!!  

Diana(Oxford Bookworms Factfiles)

"The most beautiful woman in the world"  Diana hated many of the photographers, but she liked some of them too. The newspaper people and the photographers were very important for Diana. Sometimes they helped her, sometimes she was angry with them. But she could not live without them.  When she was a young girl she was not very beautiful. She was tall, and she was sometimes fat, too, because she liked eating. She was an ordinary, nice girl. Of course she wanted to look nice, but she did not think that she was very beautiful. There are millions of more beautiful girls all over the world. I moved this book very much. I think she is very beautiful, strong and kind women! She went to various places to help many people. Sometimes she went to dangerous place. I respect her very much. I want to become a person like her!! Vocabulary divorce:離婚 photographer:カメラマン、写真家 Vicary.T. (2001) Diana . Oxford Bookworms.    

Wath movies

I wached movies at my home. I rented DVD and wached. I wached " REINTURINOKUNI" and "SUTOROBOEDDI" They are very good! I want to wach more!