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" You look at Julie. The guard is holding her over his shoulder. His back is to you, and he is talking into a radio.
 Julie waves and points at the backstage door. She wants you to go in!
 It's now or never, you think. You jump up, run to the door, and go inside. You move so quickly that the door goes SLAM! behind you.
 Oops! you think. Did the guard hear that?
 To be safe, you hide behind some speakers. A few minutes later, everything is still quiet. No one saw you go in the door.
 I did it, you think. I'm backstage at a Martians concert! "

We can read this book to chose some choice.
I enjoyed this book very much.
I wnt to read other book this series!!

point : ~を指し示す(動)

Ito,L. (2015) BACKSTAGE PASS. Atama-ii Books. Florida and Tokyo.


  1. " You look at Julie. … I'm backstage at a Martians concert! " >
    "You look at Julie. … I'm backstage at a Martians concert!"

    (no spaces inside the quotation marks!)

    Ito,L. (2015) >
    Ito, L. (2015).





 Mr. and Mrs. Rose lived in a small house that looked onto a beautiful garden - a garden they never dared enter... ...because it belonged to a wicked and powerful witch .(P.3and4)    I read this book because I have watched the movie which was made by Disney and I like Disney princess very much. I want to read original story of Rapunzel, so I read this book.  There are a lot of difference in the book. For example, in the movie, Rapunzel has lived in the tower since she was very young. However, in the book, she has lived in the tower since she was eleven years old. It is very different from original book. Also, one prince climbed the tower by himself and entered her house, and met her in the movie. But, in the book, prince climbed the tower by using her hair.  I was able to enjoy reading this book, because I know both of Rapunzel's story, and I was able to compared the story. It was very fun, so I want to read bookswhich I have watched movie. Georgina, Swinburne. (200

The dog and the bone

  One day, a naughty dog stole a big, juicy bone from the butcher. The dog scampered away across the fields... ... and onto a bridge that crossed a stream. I read "The dog and the bone". I remember I read this story when I was child. This story is a dog's story. One day, a dog stole a big bone from the butcher. And he crossed a stream, then he looked down at the water. He surprised because he looks another dog who has a big bone too. He glowled at the dog and barked the dog. But as he opened his mouth, his bone slipped out. The bone fell into water. Then, he understand the dog is himself. This story's moral is "Be happy with what you have". Watson, C. (2007). Aesop's Fables . London, UK: Usborne.

Zadie's Big Day

  But on the sports field of Westbourne High School, two football teams are running up and down, kicking a heavy wet football. It's an important match - the semi-final of the girls' football championship between Westbourne and New Milton.   I read Zadie's Big Day for literature circle. My role is Summarizer, so I read this book hardly. This book is about Zadie's story. She is very good at sports. Especially, she is good soccer player. She meets with difficulty. But she gets over difficulty.  I moved on after reading end. She won final game and acceptable around her people. I think it is very important things try to many things and don't give up.  Also, I was thought differences of football and soccer. Especially, I feel good is that "soccer" came from that contraction of association "soc" and expressed person "er" are connected. I can learn many things this literature circle class.